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For yourself and your loved ones' smiles. We propose a comfortable life.


6/10(月), 6/30(日), 7/27(土) 12:00~17:00 菅平高原ハイランドレメディーズにてOPEN GARDENを開催しました。
場所:長野県上田市菅平高原1278-1311*Google MAPで検索ください。

5/15 (水)~20(月)JR名古屋タカシマヤ10F催会場にて開催の「やさしい暮らし展」に出店しました。

4/10 (水)~23(火)柏高島屋ベルナチュレールにて「ハイランドレメディーズ」販売しました。

2/1〜2/29限定  WEBサイトでのお買い物時にクーポンコード [Free24]と入力すると送料無料です。


12/15(金)-17(日)新宿タカシマヤタイムズスクエア1Fベルナチュレールにて、ハイランドレメディーズをPOP-UP販売しました。*12/16(土)15:00-17:00 ハイランドレメディーズ創業者で素材植物ガーデナーの竹脇献氏が入店です。

12/1(金)-3 (日)LIGHT BOX STUDIO AOYAMAにて開催の「SEMPRE主催 ダイアローグス・マーケット2023/Winter」に出店のHERBALY. 様コーナーにおきまして、ハイランドレメディーズを販売致しました。

10/26(木)〜31(火)JR名古屋タカシマヤ10F催会場にて開催の「やさしい暮らし展」にて「ハイランドレメディーズ」「アピアリーメイド 」を販売しました。ご来場ありがとうございました。

9/27(水)〜10/2(月)博多阪急8階ステージ8にて開催の「暮らしを耕すマーケット」にて「ハイランドレメディーズ」「アピアリーメイド 」を販売しました。ご来場ありがとうございました。

〜21(月) 神戸マルイ1Fカレンダリウムにて開催の「暮らしを耕すマーケット」にて「ハイランドレメディーズ 」「アピアリーメイド (ミツロウラップ)」を販売しました。

6/14(水)〜27(火)柏高島屋ベルナチュレールにて「ハイランドレメディーズ 」POP-UP販売致しました。

6/7(水)〜13(火) 博多阪急8F ステージ8にて開催の「暮らしを耕すマーケット」にて「ハイランドレメディーズ 」を販売致しました。

&lt;Summer Special&gt;
From August 1st to 31st, 2022, orders placed at the Verde Nature SHOP (mail order) will be delivered free of charge. Enter [Free22SM] in the coupon code field. Please note that if you do not enter the coupon code, it will not be converted to free shipping.


From August 26th to September 17th, &quot;Apiary Made&quot; beeswax wrap will be sold for a limited time at &quot;Monogatari Market&quot; in Kokubunji.  

Highland Remedies 2022 Summer Open Garden is from 11:00 to 17:00 on 7/23 (Sat), 8/2 (Tue), and 8/13 (Sat).
No pre-registration or participation fee is required. Please feel free to visit us at your convenient time.
Search for &quot;Sugadaira Kogen Medicinal Plant Cultivation Bureau&quot; on Google map.
(Contact: 080-2818-6777 (Takewaki) Email

From June 8th to 14th, 2022, &quot;Highland Remedies&quot; and &quot;Apiary Made&quot; will be on sale at Hakata Hankyu 8F Stage 8.
Thank you for coming.

From June 8th to 14th, 2022, &quot;Highland Remedies&quot; and &quot;Dr. Thank you for coming.

From May 18th to 23rd, 2022, we opened a store at the &quot;Natural Beauty Style Exhibition&quot; held at the 10th floor of JR Nagoya Takashimaya. Thank you for coming.

The talk show &quot;The relationship between plants and people&quot; by Mr. Ken Takewaki, the founder of the Hyland Remedies brand and a material plant cultivator,
May 18th from 13 pm. (Participation fee is free)
(*Highland Remedies Oil Extra Large Size Special DUO Set will be available in limited quantities.)

From May 4th to 17th, 2022, at Takashimaya Shinjuku 7F Bell Active
Highland Remedies&quot; &quot;Doctor Nature&quot; POP-UP sale. (Continued to sell permanently at the same store.)

From March 23rd to April 5th, 2022, at Takashimaya Shinjuku 7F Bell Active
Highland Remedies&quot; &quot;Doctor Nature&quot; POP-UP sale.

​From March 15, 2022, &quot;BAOBAB TRADE Walnut Oil Products&quot; are now available for purchase. &lt;⭐︎Details

From February 23rd to 28th, 2022, at the exhibition hall on the 10th floor of JR Nagoya Takashimaya.
We sold &quot;Highland Remedies&quot; and &quot;Apiary Made&quot; products. Thank you for coming.

★Apiary made Apiary made specialty site (official homepage) has been completed. original design wrap manufacturing
Please refer to here for the flow. (in detail)★

December 2021
Newly popular Hawaiian cosmetics &quot;Hanalei&quot; products are now available for purchase. &lt;☆Details

From November 24th to December 7th, 2021, POP-UP sales of “Highland Remedies”, “Apiary Made” and “Doctor Nature” will be sold at Takashimaya Nihonbashi 1F Belsanpatik. &quot;Highland Remedies&quot; and &quot;Apiary Made&quot; will be on sale at the same corner even after the end of the exhibition period.

November 17-23, 2021 At the &quot;Real Organic Natural Fair&quot; held at Matsuzakaya Nagoya Store South Building 1F Organ Square
We sold &quot;Highland Remedies&quot; and &quot;Apiary Made&quot; products. Thank you for coming.

From October 13th to 18th, 2021, JR Nagoya Takashimaya 10F Exhibition Hall ​ We opened a store at Natural Beauty Style. Thank you for coming.

September 30-October 6, 2021 Keikyu Department Store Kamiooka Station 3F = Women&#39;s Goods Section in Marche (In Marche), &quot;Apiary Made&quot;, &quot;Highland Remedies&quot; and &quot;Doctor Nature&quot; handling Verde Nature ” and “Oxygen Natural NZ Skin Care” were sold POP-UP. Thank you for coming. .

September 15-21, 2021 Central event space on the 1st floor of Takashimaya Osaka store

At &quot;How to polish your beauty in the future Chiaki Yoshikawa&#39;s carefully selected natural cosmetics&quot;​Highland Remedies has been sold.
Thank you for coming.
(Highland Remedies&#39; material plant cultivator Ken Takewaki&#39;s talk &quot;Japan should be the world&#39;s medicine box&quot; scheduled to be held from 16:00 on September 20)

September 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021 The Prince Park Tower Hotel Tokyo accommodation plan &lt;Australia Refreshment Stay&gt; accommodation benefits,
Apiary maid colorful kitchen is adopted. (in detail)

July 14-19, 2021
Isetan Urawa 8F Exhibition Hall
Participated in &quot;Yasashii Kurashi Exhibition&quot;. Thank you for coming.

From May 29, 2021
Tigers original design beeswax wrap as Hanshin Tigers SDGs goods 
is now on sale. Manufactured by Apiary Made.
It is sold at the Hanshin Tigers official online shop T-SHOP.
(in detail)

June 30-July 13, 2021
At Omiya Takashimaya Vernaturaire
Highland Remedies POP-UP has been sold.
Even after the POP-UP sales end, we will continue to sell Highland Remedies products at the store.

May 26-June 8, 2021
At Tamagawa Takashimaya Vernaturaire
Highland Remedies POP-UP sale was carried out.
Even after the POP-UP sales end, we will continue to sell Highland Remedies products at the store.

​December 2020 Started selling kitchen goods Jangneus. &lt;Click here for details

8/10-11/7, 2020
Pre-order sales of Apiary Made items not yet released in Japan have been held at crowdfunding Makuake.
​Thank you for your support! ​

July 2020
&lt;newlyhighland remedies&quot;The product is now available for purchase. >(in detail)

★Dr.Nature &quot;Haru Aroma&quot; The number of people who put it on the mask is increasing rapidly. It is popular because it can be cut to any size.

*From 2020 to 2021 (ongoing), “Haru Aroma” has been adopted as a benefit of Cypress Resort Kumejima Workation STAY Plan. (in detail)

* Would you like to make a beeswax wrap with an original design for a company or shop? Please contact us. (This way)* 

Apiary Made Beeswax Wrap was introduced on Yomiuri TV &quot;Asa Para&quot; Saisai Detective Momotan. (in detail)

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