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Oxygen Natural NZ Skin Care B Gel

Herbal care gel made from natural ingredients. Apply directly to areas of concern to prepare your skin without clogging pores. Canadian willow grass and NZ manuka honey condition and moisturize your skin. Contains skin conditioning ingredient NZ hop extract.

Oxygen Natural NZ Skin Care B Gel

Sales Tax Included
  • 水、ヤナギランエキス、ハチミツ、ホップエキス、グアーガム、デヒドロ酢酸、ベンジルアルコール、月見草油、デシルグルコシド、スピルリナプラテンシスエキス、アロエベラ葉エキス、銅クロロフィリンNa 


  • 少量を清潔な指先、または綿棒にとり、お顔の気になる部位に直接塗布しそっとなじませます。

<About shipping>
・ Total purchase amount of 8000 yen (excluding tax) or moreFree shipping. (Yamato mail delivery)
Apiary maid (beeswax wrap) 2IndividualOr, if you order only Haru Aroma, you can select letter pack light (shipping fee 370 yen).

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